3 Cool Perks About Heat Pumps | Air Comfort HVAC

As we head into the summer months, the one thing that every home in Georgia or Tennessee needs is reliable air conditioning! And because your comfort is Air Comfort, we want to make sure that you know about one of the very best comfort system options–the heat pump.

What’s a heat pump? Consider it your energy-efficient alternative to traditional forced air conditioners and furnaces. If your current comfort system needs replacement, we encourage you to consider the perks of opting for a heat pump instead.

Related: Heating and cooling basics from Carrier.

Heat Pumps Are Your 2-in-1 Solution.
Heat pumps can replace your furnace AND air conditioner since they offer both cooling and heating in one system. Think about it: any time you’re dealing with installation, maintenance, or repair, you only need to deal with one system rather than two. That’s a huge perk to start with for most homeowners.

Heat pumps offer consistent comfort.
Another cool thing about dealing with a single system? Consistency. When you have a forced air furnace and central air conditioner, you can run into problems where the two units don’t always operate well with one another. Or you might find that your AC is much less efficient than your furnace or vice versa. With a heat pump, the very same mechanism provides the heating and the cooling–so one will never be more efficient than the other.

Heat pumps are more energy efficient than a traditional furnace and AC unit.
It all comes down to the way a heat pump works. Just like a refrigerator, a heat pumps transfers air from one place to another to keep a home warm or cool. Traditional heating and cooling methods have to burn energy to get to the desired temperature. As a result you will see lower utility bills with a heat pump.

Think it’s time to get serious about updating your home to a more comfortable, more energy efficient heat pump? Air Comfort HVAC is here to help! Visit our website today to check out our line of Carrier models, and give us a call to schedule your appointment or ask further questions. We want to get your home feeling its very best this summer.