4 Symptoms of an Inefficient Comfort System | Air Comfort HVAC
As we’ve discussed previously, a poorly maintained HVAC system is an inefficient system. How else do you KNOW you’ve got a problem with a comfort system that works too hard? Air Comfort HVAC can help–just watch out for these signs:
The Comfort Level Varies Among Rooms
An efficient HVAC system isn’t going to knave you with uncomfortable cold or hot spots. If you’re experiencing significant temperature differences among various rooms, you’ll want to have your system inspected. You may need to get the ductwork cleaned of dust and debris, or you may have a problem with a poorly designed system. An HVAC professional can look at your situation and let you know if zoning might be an effective solution.
You’ve Got A Humid House With The AC On
A properly maintained HVAC system will adequately handle temperature and humidity within your home. By design, your air conditioner removes moisture from the air–unless the evaporator coils are too warm. If you have a refrigerant leak or a maintenance problem, your AC system won’t be able to remove moisture from the air as designed. If you’re experiencing this problem at home, beware lowering the thermostat and making your system work even harder. It’s time for a much-needed maintenance appointment.
Your Comfort System Is Always Running
Here’s another telltale sign of an HVAC system having to work too hard–it never stops running! This can happen when you have an undersized HVAC system unable to maintain a comfortable temperature. Or your comfort system may simply not offer enough power for our southern weather. At any rate, you need to talk to an HVAC pro about your options. They’ll help you determine whether you require a system upgrade or repair.
Your Comfort System Is 15 or More Years Old
It’s true that today’s comfort systems last longer than those of yesteryear, but if you’re approaching that fifteen year mark, it’s definitely time to talk to a professional about efficiency. Especially if your HVAC system hasn’t been well maintained, in that case you’ll be lucky if it makes it to the ten year mark.
These are only some of the signs of an improperly functioning system. What questions do you have about the efficiency of your HVAC system? We are here to help you enjoy a more comfortable home all year round. Visit our website today to learn more about our services.