6 Common Questions When Replacing an HVAC System

As we approach the transition from winter to spring, it’s a great time to consider the current state of your HVAC system. If your utility bills have been rising due to an inefficient unit, or if your current system is in need of repair, you’ll want to talk to your HVAC specialist about your replacement options.

Here are some of the top concerns you should discuss with your expert:

What will my estimate include?
Your HVAC company should offer you a free estimate that includes the equipment and installation, labor costs, parts prices, warranty specifications and energy efficiency in each option they give you.

Is a traditional forced-air system best?
An HVAC expert will be able to advise you on the best solution for your home, whether that means forced-air, heat pumps or otherwise.

Do I need the same size system as my old one?
It’s generally not a good idea to assume you need the same specifications for your new system as your old unit. A good HVAC professional will calculate the right size based on your home and precise needs.

How efficient will the new HVAC system be?
The total efficiency of your new unit goes far beyond the initial cost. Your HVAC specialist can help you look at the lifetime operating costs and estimated savings on your monthly utility bills.

Which type of filter should I use?
There are a wide range of both disposable and washable filters, including HEPA filters, which can improve indoor air quality and help protect the health of your entire household.

Is there a service plan to maintain and protect the life of my system?
A reliable HVAC company will offer service agreements to help you keep your new HVAC System running efficiently for many years to come.

The experts at Air Comfort are available to answer these and any other HVAC questions you may have. Contact us today!