Five Tips for Cleaner Indoor Air

Would you like to enjoy a happier, healthier fall or winter season? If so, it’s time to talk about the quality of your indoor air!

The indoor air inside our homes can be significantly more polluted than the outdoor air we breathe. That can mean worsened allergy or asthma symptoms and more respiratory illnesses throughout flu season.

Here are some tips that all homeowners should consider to help improve their indoor air quality:

Nix excess moisture.
Most spores, molds, and bacteria all thrive in high levels of moisture. Repair plumbing leaks, caulk around showers and baths, and seal tile grout yearly. Check your roof, windows, and siding for leaks.

Clean the mold.
If your home gets mold growths along walls or in chronically damp spaces, clean them weekly with a solution of one part bleach to 9 parts warm water.

Let some air in.
Open the windows when outside conditions permit. The fresh air will dilute the buildup of indoor pollutants. Clean the blower of the exhaust fans in your kitchens and bathrooms.

Follow your nose.
Always remove the sources of odors or clean up the conditions causing them as soon as you can. Trying to pinpoint a hard-to-find stink? Your nose gets used to the smell after a few minutes of searching, so stop for 20 minutes, then resume the hunt.

Change air filters.
We can’t stress this one enough. You must change air filters regularly because they capture airborne pollutants inside your home. Turn the fan off to avoid spreading particles caught in the filter, and place the used filter in a garbage bag to contain the pollutants.

How’s your fall season shaping up at home? Air Comfort is there to help give your home it’s best season with better quality air. Give us a call today to ask about our maintenance and services to help make your air more comfortable!