Reduce Your Heating Bills This Winter | Air Comfort HVAC

Are you ready for the temperatures to cool down? Fall is here and winter is on its way. Whether you see that as a good thing or not, the fact remains that we all need ways to save more money on our utility bills. Air Comfort HVAC has the tips you need to lower those monthly utility bills but still stay comfortable at home. Looking for ways to save energy for your business? Check out these tips.

Harness the Power of the Sun
If you have south-facing windows, open the curtains or blinds during the day to let the sunlight heat your home. Draw the curtains to a close at night to limit the chill.

Deal with Drafty Windows
If you have drafty windows but you know you’re not going to replace them anytime soon, use a clear plastic film window kit to seal those drafts during the winter months.

Explore New Window Treatments
Consider using drapes and other window coverings which have been designed to improve energy efficiency.

Check the Thermostat
To save as much money as possible on heating, start with setting your thermostat as low as you find comfortable. Then, any time you’re sleeping or away from home for at least eight hours, dial down the thermostat 10 or 15 degrees. A programmable thermostat will make this especially easy. For homeowners with a heat pump, use a programmable thermostat specifically designed for use with heat pumps.

Maintain Your Comfort Systems Regardless of the type of heating system you have, it’s important that you schedule routine maintenance to keep it running well. Replace your air filters once a month when the systems are in high use. Never skimp on professional cleaning and maintenance, or you’ll find that a minor problem can quickly turn into a huge one.

There are so many more ways to save on your monthly energy bills while continuing to stay warm! Head over to Consumer Reports for even more ideas.

If you aren’t covered by an HVAC maintenance agreement, it’s time to get the coverage you need. Learn more about our convenient and cost-effective service plans today.