What Is Short Cycling and Why Does It Happen?
Have you noticed that your air conditioner is quickly cycling on and off? It’s not a problem you want to ignore. Your AC is short cycling, and it’s an issue that impairs the energy efficiency of your entire system, puts unneeded wear upon your equipment, and leads to breakdowns and the need for repairs.
Why does it happen?
An Oversized Unit
Sometimes an air conditioner is too large and powerful for the space it’s supposed to cool. An oversized AC unit cools down your home too quickly to properly dehumidify the air. That makes your rooms feel damp or clammy, and you’ll more likely experience spots within your home that are too hot or too cold.
Ice Buildup
If there’s ice building up on the evaporator coils, you may have an airflow or refrigerant problem. The iced-over coils can lead to short cycling.
Dirty Air Filter
Your system works harder if there’s insufficient air flow. A dirty air filter can clog air flow, make your system work too hard and short cycle because it’s overheating and shutting off automatically.
Refrigerant Loss
Low refrigerant can overheat the condenser and cause short cycling.
Thermostat Malfunction
A broken thermostat could be sending the wrong message to your AC system and cause it to short cycle.
If you notice your AC short cycling, don’t hesitate to give us a call! A short cycling air conditioner requires prompt attention by a licensed HVAC technician.